5 Tips To Revamping Your Men's Wardrobe For The Better

If your clothes are worn from years of wear, you're probably in the market for some new wardrobe pieces. You might have had some high quality clothing that you invested in 10 years ago, but chances are, they're faded and frayed. You'll need to start updating your style. Since trends come and go so frequently, there is lots of stylish clothing options available right now. You have options of crisp cotton t-shirts, well cut denim, fashion shirts, tailored jackets, and cargo shirts that will be worn well depending on the occasion. Here are some tips towards refreshing your style.


1. Take everything out of your closet in order to evaluate your wardrobe.

If you haven't worn something in a year, it's probably time to donate it. You can sort through your clothing by making two piles- donation, and clothes for keeping. You can stash the still wearable items back in your closet. Believe us, this will feel great. It will help you be prepare for shopping.

2. Now that you've sorted your clothes out, what do you need?


Think about what kind of clothing you wear on a daily basis. What are your favorite wardrobe items? What colors do you prefer? Look at your closet, and the remaining items of your wardrobe. Make a mental note of them, so that you can buy clothes that coordinate with your existing wardrobe items. For example, you could buy a great shirt that styles beautifully with your stone chinos.

3.  Capsule wardrobes are for men too


Creating a capsule wardrobe means choosing essential items that are easily integrated into many different outfits. One of the greatest benefits of capsule wardrobes is that they help to minimize spending. Items in a capsule wardrobe include cool white shirts, cotton pants, sweaters, and good quality sports jackets. 

4. Get an expert opinion

If you're overwhelmed by shopping for a new wardrobe, it doesn't hurt to ask for advice. Shopping for clothes isn't usually something guys feel comfortable asking each other about, so sometimes consulting mom or a close female friend is the way to go.

5. Be open to new ideas

Trying new trends is daring and cutting edge. This doesn't mean to have to go over the top with colors and styles. Unique clothing deals with different cuts, subtle color, and other unique clothing quirks. Choosing your new wardrobe should be fun.

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